Hi Folks!

You may have seen the teaser messages on our Facebook Fan about a new service to be added to APSense?s list of add-on services, it?s here!  We are now adding Ezine Space to our list of services. 

EzineSpace is an easy way to stay connected to family and friends or draw interested prospects to your site through publishing your own ezine!

What does this mean? More traffic & Leads! 
Unlike a newsletter, with EzineSpace your subscribers can even submit content to you to be included in your publication.  How easy is it for a client to now submit a testimonial!  You can also create interest or hobby based ezines  to bring more subscribers to your primary ezine.

Or maybe you want an easy way to keep in touch with family and friends? You can create a private ezine to share just with those you choose.  Post news of births, graduations or family vacations and share your photos too.

Or maybe you have a hobby that you enjoy?  Connect with others who share your interest and share tips and information.

Click the link below to try it for free!
(You may login with your APSense account because it is an add-on service for APSense. Also you can find it in the apsense service manager)

Subscribe to APSense eZine

We are looking forward to seeing the creativity all our members show in using this new feature.

The APSense Team

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