There are an endless amount of free online marketing opportunities for your business. One of the best ways here on APSense is to use APSense.ME responsibly.

Here are 5 tips that will help boost your business with APSense.Me.

It's really easy to get started with APSense.ME. Go to your APSense "Account Summary" page and then look to the left of page, click on the APSense.ME Live Stream button. Once you're logged in, you can begin to post your NOTES. 

What is a NOTE?  A NOTE is a short message (140 characters or less) that you type in a little box and then anyone who is following you will see it, as well as any APSense member who is on their home page. You can post NOTES about anything that's on your mind. But you would want to make sure you always keep in mind the following 5 tips for how to boost your business with APSense.ME.

The first tip is to make sure you fill out all the information in your profile. This will help people get to know about you and/or your business. It's especially important that you put a link to your website in your profile.

The second tip to boost your business with APSense.ME is to put a unique background on your account. This will help you stand out from the rest of the crowd on APSense.ME. It will also help your overall brand, especially if you have a background that is your logo or something else that is associated with your brand.

Another great tip is to put your logo in the picture on your profile. If you are a sole proprietor then you might consider putting a picture of yourself on your APSense.ME page. Whichever fits your overall brand better is what you should use.

The fourth tip to boost your business with APSense.ME, you could put your APSense.ME ID on your business cards, email signature, and any other place where people can see it. Not only will this help people find you.  It will help start a dialogue between you and potential customers and grow your APSense network.

Finally, the last of the 5 tips to boost your business with APSense.ME is to give value through your NOTES. Don't just make or post little NOTES about your business. Actually give helpful advice. Try to answer everyone who post NOTES to you. And don't ever get too SPAMMY with your NOTES. In fact, never try to directly sell anything at anytime.

There you have 5 tips for how to boost your business with APSENSE.ME.

If you follow these 5 tips, then you will help your business simply by logging in and then using APSense.ME.

To your incredible Success...



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