If Your Sales Letter Doesn't Look Good - It Won't Work Good!

Not only do you have to make your sales letters read well, you need them to LOOK attractive too!

Don't be sloppy when it comes to your sales letters and articles. Your articles can make you look like a professional who really has it together; or they can make you look amateur and someone to run from when it comes to business.

You decide.

Here are some design elements to consider when you are crafting your sales article or letter. (This article assumes you you already know to spell check and grammar check your writing.):

1. Create short to the point paragraphs. Break your sales writing up into smaller paragraph blocks then you would fiction writing.  This method makes it easier on your readers eyes and easier for them to get the point of your message faster.

2. BOLD all your important points and key selling features - you will see how I do that even here in this article, and it creates an easy way for readers to pick up your important points right away.

3. Personalize your greeting - if you can insert their actual name (many autoresponders allow you to insert a name command), then do it. If not, use terms that target who they are and create a connection.  "Dear Opportunity Seeker", "Dear Advertiser", "Dear Concerned Homeowner". 

These three simple steps will make a profound difference in your readers response.

Remember, your readers are not reading your sales letter like they enjoy a great book - you are marketing to them and it is natural for anyone to be ready to reject your message when they know you are trying to sell them.

Using these points you will create a pleasant experience for your prospect, you are showing respect for their time, and you are making it enjoyable to actually read your sales pitch, not to mention just being easy on their eyes.

If you are still having trouble crafting your sales letter then possibly you might want to hire a professional copywriter who understands these key points. There are many out there at reasonable prices, and it's a small investment that you will use over and over again.

A well crafted sales letter or article is marketing that will last for years and will easily pay for itself!

Visit 5buckbanners.com today and read about their copy writing services provided by a published author with 13 years copy writing experience.


To your success!


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