The effectiveness of any drinking water treatment device is measured  by the performance of its filter.  NSF testing, in accordance with  NSF/ANSI standards, provides the consumer with the highest level of  assurance that certified products will perform as claimed.
A close review of NSF listings shows that Multi-Pure's solid block  filters are the most effective for reducing a broad spectrum of  contaminants of aesthetic, as well as of health concern.
Although thousands of drinking water systems have been tested and  certified, only a few are certified to reduce a wide range of  contaminants...those few are all made by Multi-Pure Corporation!
Only Multi-Pure drinking water systems are certified to reduce lead,  mercury, cysts, asbestos, VOCs, MTBE, PCB, chloramine, and arsenic V.   By carefully reviewing the certification of a product, consumers can  make an informed decision about the drinking water treatment device that  will provide the performance they need.
When comparing Multi-Pure filters with the competition, the choice is  CLEAR...just like our water...Multi-Pure is the most effective!
Multi-Pure's newest NSF charts and comparisons are currently on our  web site, and will be included in the newest distributor handbook that  will be released later this year.

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