These days, both men and women enjoy drinking beer, partying, clubbing, and having fun. It's probably part of the new generation's stress buster. This pastime somehow releases them from the daily pressures and demands of work, family, and responsibilities. Even if people don't leave their houses for the night, they just have a beer in hand to keep their nerves relaxed and ready for another day. Nowadays, most homes have a good stock of beer cans or bottles in their refrigerators or coolers --- both for their consumption and for unexpected guests who'll visit any day or night.

Beer has become one of the most common and popular drinks there is, this is why beer companies have embarked on this bandwagon by making and introducing more beer brands and products. There are already more than 20,000 beer brands in the worldwide market today --- for anyone's choosing. These 20,000 beer brands are in over 100 styles --- ales, lagers, pilsner, stouts, bitters, cream ales, iced beers, etc. These thousands of beer brands are produced all over the world in almost the same process flow, but mixed with certain local ingredients and additional stages to give it a special punk, making it distinct from the other beer brands.

Probably, a beer drinker would appreciate the number of beer brands there are in the market, because this gives him several choices. However, he may not know how even one can or bottle or keg of beer undergoes before it finally reaches his lips, tongue, mouth, and throat. No matter which beer brand he'll pick, it still has the tedious task of undergoing and facing those several stages or processes --- just to arrive at that particular taste that beer drinkers love. When one really thinks about it, he would or should be wondering why there are different styles of beer --- from light beer to strong ones --- if it passes through the same flow. It is because certain beer brands may pass through the same process but are done in a certain way to vary its taste from other beer brands. Also, the ingredients used may be similar all over but the family of those ingredients may differ depending on which locale the producers are --- this gives the beer a distinct taste; this is the main reason why European beers differ from American beers and from Asian beers.

With over 20,000 local, national, regional, and foreign beer brands, beer drinkers will never get bored of tasting and enjoying the feel of these different liquids flowing through their system.

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