At one time vacations were a lot of fun. Even business trips meant a new city, new places to shop, and a hotel to stay in and watch TV while munching on chips. Having a glass of water straight, or mixing it with something stronger just happened without too much thought being given to the quality of the water. Now that one of the larger US hotel chains has had a brush with Legionnaires"�� disease, people are thinking twice about drinking tap water in hotels. They could definitely avoid potential problems like this by taking their own water from home from water distillers.

Florida visitors to the Miami-Dade area were none to impressed to find out that the hotel they had been staying in was suspected of having Legionnaires"�� bacteria in their water. Unfortunately, one visitor died before the cause of the death and the source of two other guests getting violently ill was identified.

The hotel in question was promptly shut down for two weeks to conduct a water system test and clean and de-contaminate the whole system. This wasn"��t just a "��dust and clean"�� procedure, this was a "��tear everything apart and rigorously get at every little nook and cranny"�� kind of cleaning. It"��s too bad that they didn"��t have water distillation systems in place, and then none of this would have likely happened.

It turned out that it wasn"��t just Legionnaires"�� that was a problem, but that chlorine levels were nowhere near high enough to prevent bacterial growth. The water filtration system, instead of being sub-standard, was so efficient that it went overboard and removed even the chlorine from the water "�" a chemical (although toxic) kept it clean. Subsequently, after the whole water system at the hotel was torn apart and put back together again, the hotel was given the go ahead to open once again. Of course, the system will continue to be monitored by the local county health department.

Interestingly, Legionnaires"�� is thought to only be spread by contaminated water entering someone"��s lungs. For instance, accidently inhaling water while in the shower. Every shower fixture was also taken apart and pumped full of chlorinated county water "�" something called super chlorination "�" in order to kill any bacteria hidden in the fixtures. While all these measures will help travelers who choose to visit that hotel once again (at their own risk) none of these steps may matter, as Miami-Dade"��s water has just been reported as having triple the toxins of the national average.

The bottom line in this travel story is that it is safer to take your own bottled water with you, collected at home from water distillers. Given the fact that no one really knows what is in the water these days, drinking tap water (and even bathing in it) seems to be getting more hazardous as time goes by. The only real way to ensure the freshest, cleanest and safest water possible is to use water distillers or have a water distillation system at home.

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