Most of us prefer to spend time in our garden or backyard with a desire to relax or even enjoying the fresh air. It is also a nice experience cause at times to prefer to spend few moments either sitting alone or with some after the long stretching hours of work. Often the degree of satisfaction and relaxation depends on the setup or arrangement of our garden. For the creation of such an environment or atmosphere, amount of shade and types of furniture we use in attaining the desired comfort zone, counts a lot. At this point of time and necessity, a garden awning holds its importance. It is undoubtedly, a great count to any home but not only giving a fabulous look but at the same time behaves as a positive barrier against unfavorable weather conditions.

A few of its features and benefits are summarized under the following heads: -

-Covering the weather: - These awnings provide us a perfect platform or a shade to enjoy the sunny days and cool winters. Without much of a disturbance, garden awnings are one of the best solutions to relax and enjoy the comforts with our beloved ones. Such awnings prove to be very effective while arranging a small tea party or a gathering in the outdoors rather than inside or home. Even children can make use of it while playing small games or merry making by staying outdoors. Many a times, such awnings lead to an extra space to our homes added with an exotic look to the whole area.

-Easy in positioning: - It can be placed or installed in any desired part of a garden. These awnings can come either as a fixed one or as retractable. Mostly, garden awnings which are retractable grab more attention than the fixed ones. They are very easy while installing over the window or the passage touching the baseline of your garden. Their sizes vary along with the amount of space it covers. Different designs are also available for such awnings that always prove as an addition for your home. You can purchase such awnings ranging between $400 to a maximum of $1000. Above all, these awnings can be either fully automatic in its functionalities or manual. Normally, the price tag of the motorized awnings under this category is high as compared to the one that are labor-intensive.

-Durability factor: - A garden awnings by default comes with a feature to last for a longer period of time. Besides, these awnings are relatively easy to clean and store. These awnings are very compatible and flexible to withstand strong winds, blazing sunlight or even heavy showers. They are even portable and do not occupy much space. People, who like to make traveling quite often, too can make use of such awnings as they are easily foldable and retractable.

Above described are the few of the features and aspects as to why garden awnings are so popular now-a-days. Besides, adding a value for the place over which it is installed it also helps you to enjoy the luxury at a very nominal price.

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