What's better than seeing your little ones smiling and laughing when you take them outside on a warm spring or summer's day? If your children are quite young you will probably need a safe stroller that has a proven track record for your strolls outside.

Luckily you have a wide selection of single strollers and double strollers available that will fit your needs.

If you have twins or two small children a double stroller will make life much easier for you and more enjoyable for them. This article takes a look at the several types of double strollers that are available. Read it to help you narrow down your choices and find the double stroller that's exactly right for your family.

A lot of today's double strollers can accept infant car seats, so you can use them from when your child is born through the time your children are up and about on their own two feet.

There are primarily two types of double strollers - the side by side and the tandem - and they have some interesting derivatives.

The Side by Side Stroller

Side by side strollers are good options for parents whose children are close in age. Your children will enjoy the side by side stroller because the seats are next to each other and they will be able to easily interact.

However, the major drawback to these strollers is that they're considerably wider than standard strollers. This makes it more challenging to navigate down a crowded sidewalk. And you also might find it difficult to go through doors.

The Tandem Stroller

Another double stroller alternative is the tandem stroller. This stroller aligns the seats one behind the other. The rear seat is usually slightly elevated, stadium style. This way the baby in the back will have a better view of the world as it passes by.

Tandem strollers also feature reclining seats so your children can take naps when they need to.

The Sit 'N Stand Stroller

A "sit 'n stand" stroller is a tandem stroller that also has a platform in the stroller's rear. Sit 'n stand strollers make it easy to keep an older, active child occupied because he or she can stand on the platform. Then when they're tired they can sit in their seat. And if they feel the need to move they can just stand up again.

The Jogger Stroller

An offshoot of the standard double stroller is the jogger stroller. This is designed for active parents who want to take their children with them when they jog. These strollers feature a unique suspension as well as larger tires so that you can safely travel at slightly higher speeds over different types of terrain.

Because there are so many quality strollers available you can save some time and money by searching for consumer reviews as well as companies that sell strollers online.

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