If you are skeptical about the ability of a magnetic energy generator to power your home, it is not hard to find videos that allow you to see how a magnetic energy generator works for free. They may also be able to give you advice on which models are right for you, how to build the unit and may even be able to advise you on where to find the components you need to build your unit.

You will often be able to see how in only a few minutes, you can build a small scale generator capable of powering a light bulb or running a small motor. As you will be able to see from these videos, it takes basic tools and only a little work to create a free, green and totally renewable power source. Although it is only a small model, it is easy to expand from their and build a larger unit that can produce more power for a larger portion of your energy needs.

By picking the right blueprints you will be able to create a compact unit that can supply you with the power you need for around $100 or so. When you consider the fact that a solar panel may cost five times that and a wind turbine can cost even more, an inexpensive generator is very appealing.

You want to make sure that you pick a design that is easy to build especially if you have never created anything like this before. You want to ensure that you are paying attention to how you arrange your magnets since it is the polarity of the magnets in the unit that creates a magnetic field.

The Principle Behind Magnetic Energy Generators

This field is both, what keeps the unit running and what generates the electricity. As the magnets rotate, they pass a second set of magnets. These alternately attract and repulse which pushes the disk around the axle. As this happens, the energy released by the magnets passing one another creates a field that is then converted into electrical energy.

The magnets which are used in the generators are often not much different than what you would find in your home. Some need to be quite powerful but others can be found in some toys and toy stores. Nano magnets are often used especially in smaller scale units because they are powerful but are not overly large or heavy. This is important to ensuring your generator is effective and will give you the power you need.

By watching videos on building generators, you will be able to pick the right model for your needs. There are often slight variations from model to model so don't be surprised if you purchase a different set of plans only to find that the methods to build your unit end up being much the same.

Taking the time to do your research can prevent you from wasting time and energy in building an unsuccessful or inefficient unit. It can make the difference between being able to reduce your power bill and going completely off the commercial power grid.

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