If you have a drain unclog in your home that needs to be taken care of right away then you need to know 5 important tips to help with this. These 5 tips will make it much easier for you to unclog your drain by yourself.

Just remember that if you can't do the drain unclog in your home yourself then you need to call a professional to handle it. This is important because if the clog is not taken care of right away it can become much worse and a bigger problem to fix.

Now to help you get started with trying to unclog it yourself here are the 5 tips you need to know and use.

1. The first thing you want to do is to take out the stopper from the sink or tub and get rid of any debris that could possibly be stuck in the top of the drain. Start water running to find out if it is still clogged and if it is then fill the sink or tub halfway with water.

2. Use a plunger and place it over the drain. Then pump the plunger up and down about 10 times without removing it from the drain.

On the 10th stroke of the plunger you want to lift it quickly from the drain. If the water starts to drain then you have unclogged it but if not then you will need to repeat this process a few times to try and get it cleared.

3. If the plunger doesn't work then you need to open the curved piece of pipe that runs under the sink. This is known as the trap. Be sure to place a bucket under it or you will end up with a big mess.

Unscrew it using a wrench and let it drain into the bucket. Unscrew the 2 coupler nuts that are attached on each side of the trap and get rid of any blockage that may be there.

Then reattach the pipe and run water in the sink to see if you have succeeded with the drain unclog in your San Francisco home.

4. If the clog is still there then you can use a plumber's snake next. These are easy to find in your local town and easy to use.

You just put the snake into the drain and then twist it clockwise and push. This will usually take care of a lot of different clogs.

5. If none of these things have worked to clear the drain then you need to call in a professional. They have the experience and tools to clear any clogged drain that you haven't been able to.

Now that you know these 5 tips you can start trying to do the drain unclog in your home by yourself. Just remember that if you can't get it unclogged then you need to call in the professionals before it gets worse.

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