Acne, also known as pimple, is the most common skin condition in the teen age group, which may persist into adulthood. It should be treated as and when it appears on the face. There are some factors that may aggravate acne. These factors include greasy cosmetics, silk and nylon garments, emotions, humidity and high temperature. Cosmetics blocks the skin pores and promote this skin condition. Sometimes oily skin may also be the responsible factor for this skin problem.

Pimples are also associated with increased production of hormones. They usually appear before menstruation in girls every month. Women taking birth control pills containing the hormone progesterone may also experience from pimples. Foods that may aggravate pimples are fried, fatty and oily foods, nuts, chocolates, butter ghee, pastries etc.

The best home remedy for acne is to wash the face thoroughly and regularly. This will remove excess oil and dirt that may block the pores. Instead of using soap, wash your face with gram flour (besan) along with un-boiled milk regularly.

Nutmeg (jaiphal) is another useful homemade remedy for acne. Rub nutmeg with sandal (chandan) powder and raw milk and apply the paste on the affected area. Wash after 15-20 minutes. Do this remedy regularly till you completely get rid of pimples. Papaya face pack is also useful homemade remedies for acne. Apply mashed papaya on the face to clear scars marks on the skin.

Do not use chemical cosmetics on face. Instead try using homemade herbal beauty cosmetics that are natural as well as safe for your skin. Steam is also a useful home remedy for pimples. Give light steam to your face after massage to keep the pores open. This will prevent the occurrence of pimples.

Constipation is also one of the contributory factors for the appearance of acne. So try to avoid getting constipated. Include fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables like spinach and other fiber rich foods in your diet. This will help in natural cleansing of your whole body system and flush toxic matters out of your body. Avoid condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods, meats, strong tea or coffee, sugar, soft drinks and ice cream as far as possible.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright ? Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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