It is said that a first glance tells a thousand things and many a times a booklet or a catalog is the first impression that your customer gets about your company. If your product catalog or booklet can grab the attention of a person at one go, then there are chances that you have impressed a potential customer. In today's era of cut throat competition it is very important to grab the attention of a potential customer before your competitors do so.
If you need to market your products or services a booklet or catalog can be ideal for you. Many business firms rely on marketing booklets for the promotion of their products and services. They are getting more and more creative with designing catalogs and booklets. Many business firms are going bold and printing full color booklet while designing their booklets and catalogs in a bid to establish their brand name in the minds of their target audience.
Booklets and catalogs are no longer add-ons for a marketing campaign, but have rather become the core component of the campaign. Booklets and catalogs tend to target the consumers at a very personal level unlike the television. It is much more informative than any other form of marketing and educates the customer about your product or service like none other. Custom printed catalogs and booklets also serve as the final tool in the hierarchy of promotion which can start with posters, newspapers or television.
Business firms have raised a great demand for critical quality and affordable catalog printing and short run booklets. This has in turn pushed the print industry which has come out with many innovations raising the bar and making the printing market competitive. Full color booklets and catalogs are a common sight today and most of them are printed on high end printers and on quality paper.
Booklets and catalogs however serve different purpose for business firms. While catalogs tend to represent the majority of sales, booklets highlight products and services in an in-depth way. This helps customers to fully understand the benefits of buying your products or services. Although most companies tend to follow similar patterns while designing both, there is no hard and fast rule which binds them to do so.
Designers are playing with text and images in a bid to create attractive booklets and catalogs. They are getting more and more informative and are being able to strike a chord with the customers through their catchy tag lines and creative text placements. Due to the improvement in printing technology picture and graphs have become an integral part of booklets and catalogs. Pictures attract people from a distance are being heavily used by the designers these days.
Small business firms which have a very small product line usually adopt for an 8 page booklet or a 12 page booklet. While product manufactures with a large product line are even going for as large as a 24 page booklet. The introduction of short run printing technology has meant that even smaller business firms and startups can easily print booklets and catalogs to promote their products and services.

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