Multi Level Marketing Or Many Losing Money?

For many people, their online business experience starts with some form of MLM program.  For many of those same people it may be their first day on the job in their own business.  Perhaps they used to have a job and were laid off, or maybe they reached retirement and were given the boot.  Either way, they're looking for more income to pay for the things in life they need and want.

Live The Dream Or Is It A Nightmare?

Once the MLM program is chosen, the usual method of operation is for the sponsors and the "big guns" to tell the new recruit to, go forth and tell all your friends and family and soon you'll be rolling in the money.  Since many of these new people have no experience selling anything or have any experience with marketing and advertising anything, they follow their sponsors instructions to the letter and try to sell the dream to their friends and family.  At this point, they discover the nightmare that awaits them.  They may hear statements like,  "oh this is a pyramid scheme" or "no thanks I make lots of money at my job, why don't you get one?" or even "no thanks, I'm not interested".  Wow, what happened? Was my sponsors and all those big guns wrong or do they just have better friends and family?

Selling Is Part Of The Job.

Most people do not like to be sold to and indeed most people do not enjoy selling to others.  Professional sales people understand it's a numbers game and having someone say no is just part of the job.  Not everyone is looking for what you're selling and many people will start to avoid you all together because you're the one always trying to "sell" them that new dream and new product that promises to end their financial problems.  In reality, it takes years of practicing the skill and art form of selling to the point where you can expect to make any money at all.  Oh sure, there are talented people to whom sales comes naturally and they do very well with whatever they choose to sell.  Most people however,  do not do well with it and even worse, their own sponsors aren't any good at it either.  They're hoping you're the "rock star" they've been looking for.

Choose Your MLM Carefully If You Want To Succeed.

Since selling is part of the job when you join a MLM program, you must choose it carefully if you don't wish to be part of the "many losing money".  To be successful at it you must actually love the product or service with all your heart to the point that you can handle getting thousands of "no thanks" answers until you receive a yes.  You must be willing to learn how to properly sell, prospect, drive traffic, and since it's a MLM, you will be attending many meetings and giving home presentations. You'll soon reconize the phrase "where the rubber meets the road" and "belly to belly marketing". It's part of the job and the Internet doesn't really change that reality.  You MUST choose a product you love, and then spend your time on learning how to present the product and more importantly the pay plan in detail.  You will need to "dumb it down" when it comes to the pay plan or your borderline prospect will most likely run for the hills. You will have to teach yourself the skill of the 30 second presentation without getting all tongue tied and frustrated, which usually results in a no sale.  You must actually love the product or service so much you'd be willing to use it EVEN if you never made a dime with it.

The Grass Always Seems Greener On The Other Side.

Most people, once they've tasted defeat, will blame the program or sponsor or pay plan because, "it just can't be me", so the search begins on for greener pastures.  However, this doesn't work either because the basic skills were never taught nor were they learned and the love of the program or product wasn't there in the first place. Only the dream still exists.  This in many cases leads to years of failure, false starts, lost money and opportunity, as well as most of your friends and family no longer answer your calls.  At some point many people simply give up and get a part time job or worse, they jump from program to program hoping to find the silver bullet that will finally give them the "secret" to the success they desire.  This again, does not work out and indeed leads to more lost money and more frustration.

So What Is The Secret To Succeeding In Any Business?

Remember this phrase...  People do business with people.  Not buildings or websites.  Pay plans are normal for all MLM programs no matter the product or service.  The most successful MLM is a tool everyone else needs for their business. A tool that helps others realize and indeed live the dream. If your MLM helps others live a better life, or helps them build their business, then you will have a better than average chance of succeeding.  You must learn how to market yourself first, not the product or program, not even the pay plan is as important as learning to market yourself first.  You must also learn to build your list first, not the companies and not your sponsors list.  You must learn how to talk to other people, (remember the phrase), and you must love what you do, which is selling.  MLM has indeed produced some of the worlds richest people, but it has also produced some of the most financially destroyed lives.  The bottom line is that no matter what, you must learn a lot if you don't already know it, and you must be willing to help first and put your own needs on the back burner.  Overall, it will take double the work and effort than it did to work for a boss in an offline job.  For those who work within these boundaries and strive to better themselves instead of jumping from program to program, success will be on your doorstep.

Read The Fine Print.

At this point you should know, there are no secrets, no hidden information, absolutely no silver bullet or magic code that will create instant success for you.

Fortune Favors The Prepared Mind.

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