You are a Kangaroo if you?
Don't you love it when it rhymes?
You are a Kangaroo if you hop from one program to the next.
You are a Kangaroo if you always want to be first to join so that others will join under you. Then after you get everyone you know and they get everyone they know to join it is time for you to HOP to the Next BIGGEST and BEST program.
I think it is time to STOP all this insanity. For one thing it gets very expensive. Always joining but the only ones making any money are the ones that joined first, and those with the biggest list.
How big is your list?
So.. Are you a kangaroo?
Let me tell you what I do?.
There it goes rhyming again. Don't you just love it when that happens?
My Kangaroo hopping days are over. I don't have to do that anymore. I have found a stable company that has been paying its member for over 16 years. In this business being around for 16 years is really remarkable. How many Biz OPPS have you been in that are not even in business anymore?

So.... are you a Kangaroo?

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