Hi All - I don't buy it.

I don't like to deal with people who I cannot see or I know 
nothing about. I don't trust them regardless of what they are
They say things Like  "I am an experienced internet marketer"  

Yes I'd believe this when you don't have a bio or photo.
I don't like to be a negative person, I just do not normally 
think like this, but I do like to know who I am dealing with.
I see ads and forum posts all over Apsense where the writer
doe's these things.
No Photo
No Real Name
No Bio
No Information about them-self or company.
I have no way to contact these people to ask questions. They do
not accept my friends or contact requests, so I cannot ask
questions about their product or service.
The Number 1 reason people do not buy from you is; They do not
have enough information on the product or service. So they want
to find that information and the easy way to do this is to ask
Visit some of my other blog posts to learn more or google 
search the word "rexiedexie" to learn more about me

Regards Michael


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