There is quite a selection when it comes to home theater screens on the market. Most, in fact, will give you that movie theater feel because the technology used is the same. The greatest difference is that you will have a better, clearer view all in the comfort of your own home.

After choosing your projector, sound system, and of course the perfect snacks, you might be ready to just go with any old screen you find. Just remember, no matter what kind of projector you buy or how good your sound is, no movie is fun to watch if you have to deal with a bad picture. It's better to take your time and pick the right screen, than end up with blurry, distorted movies.

If you are looking for ease in selecting a screen for your home theater then maybe a plasma TV would be good for you. It is thin and able to be mounted either on the wall which will give you a movie theater feel or on a cabinet to make your furniture more appealing.

Most shoppers search for a home theater projection screen that can optimize a wide variety of movies and HDTV programs. The standard 16:9 ratio works well in this situation. In fact, the only trouble you'll have is when you're watching very old movies or some newer DVD formats, which may have the black bars across the screen. If so, you might be better off with a 2:35 format ratio.

Home theater screens are usually wall units. They are a lot slimmer than plasma TVs. Most of these screens are rough to the touch, and are either white or gray colored. There are also different types of projectors, including movie board home cinema projection screens, electric projector screens, manual projector screens, fixed frame projector screens, home cinema projector screens, and portable projector screens. High end projectors may even be cheaper than some plasma TVs.

Choosing your own home theater screen will depend on your budget and your needs. You will have to select the one that could fit well on your home theater room and that meets your viewing preferences.  Remember that bigger doesn’t always mean better.  Think of where you like to sit in a movie theater.  You usually want to take in the whole screen and not have to constantly move your eyes from side to side to follow the action.

Do some basic research before you purchase your home theater screen.  You’ll need to consider screen size, but keep in mind any technical limitations that your video projector may have.  It won’t do you any good to have a huge screen if your projector can only display up to certain distances.

More on the RDX Surround Professional Sound Systems!

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