In this Blog I will explain the concept of the "Self-Funded Proposal". If you aren't familiar with this, then read on because this WILL transform your business GUARANTEED!

If you are already familiar with the funded proposal concept and are using a self-funded proposal of some kind, congratulations! If you're not using one in your marketing efforts... why the heck not? Read on.

A self funded proposal is a way of marketing that allows the MLM leads you generate to actually pay for themselves. Not only are your leads paying for your marketing expenses, you are at the same time generating high quality prospects that you can promote your primary business to. You get paid even if they don't join your business!

This strategy starts by offering a solution to a critical problem that your prospects face by offering a free email course, eBook, audio or resource of some kind. Promoting a how-to resource that solves a pressing issue, will attract 10x more prospects than pitching your biz-opp.

Your prospect will enter their contact info to receive this free solution. They will be taken to a sales page that promotes an upgrade of some kind for a small price. A certain percentage of your prospects will upgrade giving you a small commission and funding your marketing efforts!

Now in addition to that, and more importantly, you are now actively building a list and if you have read anything about Internet marketing you already know that "the gold is in the list".

By offering solutions you separate yourself as an expert from the crowd of sales people all pitching their MLM business. You solve your prospects problems. You offer valuable information and content. You build trust with your prospects through follow up. Now when you eventually present your MLM business opportunity, your conversion percentages dramatically increase.

This strategy will transform your MLM Business! GUARANTEED!

You can actually generate MLM leads for free!

So how do you set one of these things up?

Don't sweat it. It's all been done for you. We've put together a system that will create your very own fully branded, customizable, self funded proposal and automated network marketing system.


To your success everyone,

Online Marketing Coach: Nathaniel L.

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