The other day I got an email from a guy I'll call Joe. He sent me a short email asking me if it would be ok to send me some information. When I clicked the reply button to respond it came up as an AOL address. Do you think he was NEW?
I replied back that I would be happy to look at what he had to offer. Shortly after I got another email from Joe. He thanked me for allowing him to send me more information. He asked me to look at this great website, BUT>>>>> this was his sponsors website, his was not ready yet. So if this was something that I was interested in get back with HIM. Please... don't signup at that sight because that is my sponsors. Do you think he is NEW?
I sent him back a note thanking him for the opportunity to look at the website, but "at this time" I really didn't want to get into anything like that. But I went on to say, "I am guessing you are NEW. I am sending you an invite to open a Gmail account. If your marketing online your really should not be using an AOL account, keep that for your family and friends. Gmail is free it is Google based and it really is the best for marketing online. We want to always look professional. First impressions are so important. And AOL does NOT make a good first impression."
I went onto say, "If your on Skype Joe, please add me to your contacts, my Skype ID is Abeque." He thanked me for the heads up about the Gmail and the AOL. He also wanted me to know he did not want to be perceived as a newbie. When I clicked the reply button I noticed it was going back to a Gmail account. I love it when they pay attention.
I told Joe I was happy to help and I was glad to see that he was using Gmail. I sent him my link to signup for my newsletter series about how to write good email copy, the do's and the don't. Once again the next morning I had an email waiting for me from Joe. He again thanked me, this time for the newsletter series, he told me it would be a big help and wanted to know about Skype. I sent him a recording I did awhile back about Skype.
I can't wait to see what tomorrow morning will bring form my friend Joe. I am thinking he will be in my business by the end of next week if not sooner.

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