Dear fellow marketer,

As you probably know, having traffic is very important for your website if you want to successfully earn money online. You can drive traffic to your website using a wide range of tools.


Among all the different ways of driving traffic to your website, writing and submitting articles remains the most powerful tool for increasing your web site traffic and boost your sales and online profits.


So why is writing and submitting articles so powerful in driving traffic to your website?


  1. Articles help you become an expert in your niche. By writing high quality and informative articles in your niche, you become an expert. You also build trust and confidence in your prospects. As an expert, customers will feel confident to buy from you and this will increase your sales and online business profits.
  2. Articles are an affordable way of driving traffic to your website. You can write your own articles or you can hire a ghostwriter to write some articles for you, and this is not very expensive. You can then submit your articles to many directories. There are some tools that you can use to automatically submit your articles to many directories, and this increases the number of links pointing back to your website.
  3. Articles are viral and powerful in driving traffic to your website. At the bottom of all your articles, you have a resource box with your website URL. Your articles will be published by many directories, websites and e-zines with your website URL. By simply writing articles and submitting articles, you create a powerful viral power with many websites having your website URL on their sites.
  4. Articles bring life long results and will continue to drive traffic to your website for a long time. Unlike other types of advertising that bring momentary results, articles will continue to drive traffic to your website for a long time. All your articles are archived in article directories and that means anyone can still read them and visit your website. Your articles can generate thousands of permanent one-way links to your website.
  5. Articles make search engines index your website and drive traffic to your website. Writing and submitting many articles to article directories is very powerful in making your website visible on search engines. By including your keywords in your articles, when people are looking for information related to your niche and type those keywords, your articles and website show up on search engines, therefore making it easy for you to get a lot of traffic on your website.


Although there are many tools for driving traffic to a website, articles remain the most powerful tool that brings life long results.

To your success,

Mike Cabalida

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