As a content creator and content sharer (view explanation in my business center) I always watch for new opportunities where to share my content. In web 2.0 net, this new opportunities just grow as mushrooms after rain.

And I found fresh, new revenue sharing service which rewards members for sharing videos, pictures and topics with each other. Members benefit from sharing videos, images and topics! How?

There's three ways of earning possibilities:

- first: you will be paid according to the popularity of your shared content (CPM - per thousand views directly to your PayPal account);

- second: you'll get extra benefits by displaying  your own google adsense or other commercial advertisements around your content and

- third: each time you refer a user you will get 10% of all their videos, images and topics views forever!

Membership there is fun! You can link together others content, become subscriber of other members content, view members public profiles, post comments and discuss issues on forums.

So, join an earn by having fun!

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