When I first joined Ubiee in August 2007, I was delighted to have found a company whose main aim was to create environmental awareness and work towards a cleaner planet for our children and grandchildren. The altruistic notion appealed to my inner desire to make a difference, whilst at the same time creating a residual income for myself.


Little did I realise that 6 months down the line my involvement with this company would have escalated to the proportions it has reached today.


My first involvement with the Ubiee Enviro Project was through the innovative concept of the Vortexes and Contributional Marketing. Contributional Marketing did not appear in Wikepaedia, nor did the word contributional appear in the dictionary!


So what exactly is Contributional Marketing and how does it work in terms of the ubiee vortex? Well a brief explanation is all I can offer here. Contributional Marketing involves making a ONE TIME CONTRIBUTION into vortex for the cost of 11 euros and allows contributors to make a residual income. For further information you can join our Ubiee Chat and ask questions of many of our members.


But this isn’t all that Ubiee does to raise awareness for the future of the planet. The Ubiee PowerPill is a unique pill that reduces noxious emissions by up to 78% when added to the petrol tank of your vehicle. It also improves the performance of your vehicle by acting as an engine conditioner.


In the last couple of months Ubiee has hit the jackpot again with a product we have called the Ubiee Earthmail. An amazing SPAM FREE email system that not only eliminates Spam but enables you to track every email that comes into your inbox.


Ubiee Earthmail is currently in pre launch and you can register your interest for free up until the launch on March 1st.


All of the products offered by Ubiee go some way to help to create environmental awareness. As a company, we are a friendly team who are working together to secure a safe future for ourselves and our loved ones. Team work is our motto and the environment is our passion.


You are welcome to join our team at any time and find out more about our products and services.


Ubiee Earthmail

skype id  lindajanetmatthews





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