I wrote this back on the below date, regarding the bulletin feature, some feed back by members......never really did understood this feature but for those who have an interest review what was said....

Thank you Bill for correcting me on this issue......:}

January 31, 2008


How come Nobody Reads or Uses The Bulletin Feature

I have now been a member here at Apsense since September 15, 2007, will always remember that date because it is my sons birthday. I will not even attempt to think l know how everything here at Apsense work, l do have a pretty good idea on most of the features. One of the features that really puzzles me is the "Bulletin Feature", l have to ask several question regarding this feature.

-How come more members do not take advantage of this feature?

-How come more members do not read the bulletins posted?

-If its so wonderful why do we have to wait 3 days as a "Free Member" to be able to use it?

-How come l have only seen 3 different members including myself use it?

-Can we some how improve this system and be able to get more members using it?

-Is this a feature to make Apsense look like it has a lot to offer?

I could more then likely add many more concerns to the above ones, but not why l am writing this at all. I truly feel if used properly within the guide lines of Apsense it could be the feature it was meant to be.  At the moment it is no where being used the way it was originally meant to be or getting the results we all though it would. The results being, broadcasting something that you wanted to share with your entire, "Network of Members" you have.

See this is the part that l get some what confused, l look at These Bulletins every time she posts one, l look at the amount of hits she gets compare them to mine. The numbers do not add up at all if you have, lets say 500 or more members in your Network do they not get that Bulletin you just flashed. What is the difference when you post a blog or a bulletin, how many members get to see it being broadcast or does it work differently when you post a bulletin. I hope you do not mind me using you as an example Thea because you the only other person who uses this feature.....

I honestly believe this feature needs to get more attention. The reason l feel this, it because it is a way that you can broadcast messages to all of your network, if this is what the feature was or is suppose to do. So what can we honestly do to get more members to take advantage of this feature or should we just keep it the way it is and no one benefits from it. Except for Thea and Myself and quite frankly l think the two of us are just waste our time using it, since no one really reads what you post or uses this feature.

What l would recommend to make this a more powerful feature and getting more members using it, reading what has been posted and taking full advantage of the power it will have for the Apsense Community.

-I would make it more visible for members to know it even exists!

-I would make sure all members knew the power it will have for you and the exposure you will have by posting and using the features!

-I would have a feature button at the top of the tool bar, making it more noticeable to all members!

-I would make sure all the members in your network who have download the Apsense Express Desk top would get the bulletin that was posted!

-If we let all the members understand and know about this feature then it will be a strong benefit if used within the Apsense guide line!

Again only my thoughts but at the moment l feel it is not a benefit to anyone at all, not even for the ones who use it. Since no one really reads what has been posted how could it possibly be a benefit to the users.....or perhaps we just have lousy postings and no one wants to read them....did l actually say that!


Joseph F Botelho

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