Hi all!

I'm a member of some social networks that pays their users for doing everyday activities such as read messages, watch videos, post comments and blogs, upload photos, send mails, etc...

 So, what I found?

At first, here's Flixya, where you can share everything and being paid directly to your AdSense account.

Second, there's Yuwie - invite friends, hang out and be paid.

Third, there's ApSense, business social network where you're paid when promote your business.

And fourth, Lazzeo, where you're paid by your ads provider to view your profile.

And where to find referrals for these social network sites?

The best place for find referrals is Zion5, a community, just launched, which helps you to increase your online earnings.

Short Update1: Kanggie  - community specialy dedicated to internet marketers - there's a lot of useful materials (PLR articles, ebooks) for resell....

Think that I'll be a millionaire soon....

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