Life is so funny. 

Sometimes it is so much to get more distant than to 'actually know each other'.  
And I get to know so many every day...and loving it!

We all share our wonders, our joys, our 'hard ships'.  Because we all want to help...Right?
The  hard ones are the one's that are most clickable.  Hmmm....And this is a 'positive' world we are in?  Well...keep reading!


To be 29 years old now.   A mother of 3.  And SO YOUNG!  (and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!) To run a business for years starting at 21(and get used and abused...and paid NOTHING FOR...)  I moved on to bigger and greater things at 24....working with and 'training' women inmates HOW TO WORK(btw going from mass murderers)  Look it up yourself Pulaski State Prison

No, I was not an inmate, but I often felt like deep at times.  My life was a true
PRISON! (I was suffering from some very deep relationship set backs...that I am not going into at this time)

It was a real time to wake up, cry, and sometimes felt like dying.  And even had inmates inspiring me (when they thought I was the one inspiring them).....because I was dying inside!
But I woke up alive! 
Every day...and inspired them!  The smiles they put on my face...(actually have smile wrinkles from....hahahahaha)

But at this time.....

Folks, I was...or felt... no better than most of these women *just made MUCH better decisions*

But I learned that I WAS better...and  learned that I actually LOVED MYSELF...More than I even thought was remotely possible.

Most of these women...I just could not even let you into the stories I was exposed to!

I saw a parents protected me from, but yet~   I opened the gates, and had the keys to let myself in! And had to shut gates and cringe at the sound of them shutting behind me. 
I never forgot where I was at.   But every day it inspired me even more to be a better person.

Unfortunately.  I had to quit.

I would of made it!  (If I didn't have a demon of a boss to take it away from me) 

I quit...and that was my final FRONTIER in the world of LIVING for someone else!

This woman...NOT only opened a whole new world.  But a world that I can help everyone to succeed!

No matter what.  In life, love, heart, mind, soul, body......and SELF!

This is my goal in life! 

IF you want to learn about life.......teach the 'messed up' to learn to '' Live learn and forget".  I did it many years!  (Most of all...taught myself)

Just teach inmates how to will teach you a lot ;0)   (BTW....we ALL ARE the TRUE inmates)
This is one escaping!  And catch ME if YOU can!

The moral of this story. You have not walked in my shoes...I have not walked in yours.  But I will tell you ONE dern thing!  I am so very PROUD to be in my shoes....all the heart ache or not!  I am me, loving, genorous, caring and above all things....ME

You may not think you are imprisoned.  But me....for so many years...I WAS...I am running with serious RUNNING SHOES ON!

Run with me!

With LIFE!


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