Most of us here are marketers.  How many times have you heard your upline or some company tell you that you Have to Change yourself?  Your not GOOD enough!  No, don't even bring up your OWN ideas, we know what works best!

What a bunch of BULL!  Don't they really mean to say "we know what works best for us, the company, screw YOU!!

I am so tired of MLM's or whatever else Lying to people, telling them they have to totally re-arrange their lives, telling them to stuff their opportunity down the throats of their friends and family, telling them to stick to their plan, whatever you do, don't be an individual!  In fact, don't think...your a friggin idiot!!

Just what the heck is the matter with you anyways?

Is there something wrong with you, your ROOTS, where you come from, who you are and what you stand for?

Don't buy their BS!

You are a unique and wonderful human being, a geniune masterpiece!  Only you can decide what is right for you, not some jerk who only cares about stuffing you in his or her downline!

Change, can be and is a good thing.  Just as long as you are the one making the changes, you are the one deciding...what is right for you!

Can't you see?  It's all about you!

Live life by your own terms!

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