September 23, 2007


Are You A Star AT Show and Tell?

STARS ALSO KNOW HOW TO USE THE RIGHT MESSAGE WITH THE right audience at the right time. They are superb communicators. But being a good communicator doesn't mean always "being on." In fact, one of the things that average performers do wrong is to over communicate: Every day, they send another memo to the boss. They chatter on, but they have really done anything to contribute. People turn a deaf ear to them. Star performers know how to time their message, and how to craft them, so people pay attention.

If you want to excel at "show and tell," understand your audience: What moves people in a particular audience? What do they listen to? What languages makes sense to them? For one person, it's going to be dollars; for another, it's going to be values. You match that language with the way you deliver information---whether you're making a presentation, sending a memo, or cornering someone in the hallway to test an idea. Figure out the message that moves people, put it into the language they speak, and deliver it in a way that works for them.

Let me know what you though about this little bit of information.......will it help you can you apply what you just read...........Post your comments and let's all learn from this!


Joseph F. Botelho

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