FriendsWin is still in pre-launch.  As of now they are finishing up the "back-
 office" area for members to check their downline numbers.  I think this site
is going to cause quite a buzz when they launch.  Join with me Apsense
members, because i want this to be the biggest FriendsWin Team in the

Answer me this:
Do you think you would be a millionaire if you got into Myspace at the
beginning and they were being promoted as a network marketing company?
Is your answer YES? Guess what?...
The next Myspace is launching.  It is called Friendswin.  It will take
over where Myspace left off - with added features, not found on MySpace.
One of them is a compensation plan that utilizes a
5x8 forced matrix.  This will add up to $1000s per month in easy
residual profits for you. Here is a video by a fellow member that provides
specifics on what the big hitters in the internet community think.
Check it out here:

Watch this video, then get details & sign up at this link:

There were only 840
people signed up as of the last 24 hours...AND GROWING QUICKLY!
I suggest you sign up ASAP and position yourself for the launch of in the next 10 days.
It's FREE to sign up.  You will get to decide later whether you want
to be a free member or pay $9.97/month and make money.
-GET PAID for having friends on a social networking site like MySpace
-18 Years of Age or Older
-Earn over $400,000 per month
details & sign up link:

To Your Future Wealth,
alaska padaco
FRIENDSWIN (or as I like to call it- "MySpace with benefits.")
details & sign up link:


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