My Power Mall is a new Online Business targeting Online Shoppers as well as Business oriented People.
My Power Mall offers Rebates from 2% to 55% for every Purchase in any of the 1100+ listed Stores.
The newest Feature of My Power Mall will be a Debit Card that allows you to shop on- and offline at any Store through the same Rebate System.
I am looking for a motivated and inspired Business Associate willing to advertise, market and promote My Power Mall.
Your Income is based off other Peoples Shopping Habits and will be generated through 9-Tiers!
Income Potential is Unlimited! Shopping is NOT a must for you!
My Power Mall will be the next household trademark in the near future
and I want you to be part of this successful Concept.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding My Power Mall!
I am looking forward to working with you!

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