Law of Attraction Success Master Training Blogging

Hi again,

I was just cruising Apsense to see what was new that I missed and bucked up a new LOA group whose name I LOVE: The Idiot's Guide to the LOA

Karen posted there and I responded to a section of her post as below:



"More than your thoughts, it is your feelings that matter more. Its
about the vibrations you are giving off and attracting back to you."


I've been cussed about this from way back when but I've always said that the two MUST work together but the FEELING is what gives your creation life.

You can think about what you want from dawn to sunset but if you don't FEEL the vibe, if you're not engaged on a FULL-throttle feeling level, don't hold your breath, 'cos it ain't going to happen too soon.... ;-)

That 'vibration' thing you spoke of.. your energy field, that's what
magnetically attracts back to you what you experience in your daily
life. The what's missing for me in all the commercialisation of the LOA
is that it IS much deeper than just 'think, feel a bit, do something'...

LOA is a universal, Life law. What's that about? The only word that fits
right now in terms of where our human consciousness is at is..
Spirituality... not religion but the KNOWING of ourselves as
co-creators with the Universe, as aspects of God/Goddess.

IF at my core level, I FEEL that I'm worthless simply because at a CORE level I don't accept myself as God Essence in my life, how am I going to
truly KNOW that I can create anything real that I want?

I've given my power away to some 'thing' outside of me..

Lord, let me end now before I go non-stop! ;-) GREAT question, great group title!



What are your thoughts?

How are you doing with applying the Law of Attraction in your life and what deeper insights about it have you understood for yourself?

Would LOVE to hear from you!  ;-)

Blessings and until next time, create an unforgettable, Soul-aligned series of days,


PS  You can get more info and join my upcoming weekly LOA discussion, practice group here:

Law of Attraction Success Master Training

Angela Chen Shui
Spiritual Teacher of Consciousness
Soul Alignment Success Coach
Internet Mompreneur

"Angela's Voice" - Life, Purpose, Evolution of Consciousness, Women's, Children's, Human, Animal Rights, Spirituality Information blog

New Energy Spirituality Information Self Help Training

Law of Attraction Success Master Training Blogging

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