Does goal setting really work?
Let’s look at a study conducted with the Yale Graduating
Class of 1953.
They surveyed all students asking them if they had written
goals for their life:
· 3% had put their goals in writing
· 97% had not written them down or had none at all!
Twenty years later, these same people were re-interviewed.
· The 3% who had written goals had 10 times the incomes than
the other 97% combined!
There is NO DOUBT about it – Goal Setting Works!
    A goal is merely a
dream until it is written down.
   You must find a
goal that truly inspires you, something that will push you to do whatever it
takes to
accomplish it.
    Goals keep you
focused help you create your vision.
1. List the top three (3) reasons WHY you want to build
your  Cyberwize Business business:
2. Write down your Goals:
Ø My monthly income goal in 3 months is $____________
Ø My monthly income goal in 6 months is $____________
Ø My monthly income goal in 1 year is $____________
Ø My monthly income goal in 2 years is $____________
3. Write down your Commitments:
· I am committed to devoting ________ hours per week to my
· I will commit to inviting prospects and attending (even if
I don’t have a prospect on it) the following Live Calls every week: (List all
calls you will attend with guests)

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