You know this may really be a silly question, but I had to ask.  I joined a site based on a recommendation from another Apsenser, Blogging to fame or blogging for fame....I donno something like that.  Well....anyway my life as a blogger is really new so well I don't have a lot of responses online yet, plus I got really scattered and created more accounts than I could actually post to, so there was nothing I could blog to fame about, but I must say I really enjoyed reading the posts of others on the site.  It gave me a better perspective on blogging.
I decided to surf around at other blog sites just reading blogs and well I  was both entertained and disappointed.  I saw some blogs that were simply nothing but advertisements.  That to me doesn't seem like enough.  Sure if you need to add some additional code or something to promote your site, but it is more entertaining to read about someone's elses experiences.  Hey there are plenty of sites nowadays that you can post advertisements for free, but should we on blogs just use those for ads and no real written content?....well I guess to each his oen.
I like writing and my first approach to blogging was going to be to promote my businesses.  I wanted to focus on what I thought were good affiliate programs, and ones that I thought were a real waste of time.  Of course as you can see that last sentence was really opinionated. 
Well I have discovered there is much more to blogging than just increasing your website traffic.  It really can be addicting.  Now I read a few entries from other bloggers today admitting that they weren't really making that much money blogging for profit, but  havig that they were having just that much fun.  I think I am starting to catch on. 
There is a lot of software out there that allows you to keep your blogs in one place.  I guess that is referred to as a blog roll.  That makes maintaining several blogs much easier if you can keep them in one place.  Firefox has an excellent software interface on their browser with the perfect tool for that.  There is also a website called the Blog Father that is perfect on either browser, IE or Firefox...I know there are others out there...but I am really referring to the two most popular ones.
I like this blogging's contagious really.  For more on this article please log on to

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