Hey Readers,

HUGE news I want to tell you about. 

If you have $1 to spare and an internet connection, there’s an event happening on August 25-26th that’s going to be a game-changer! 

Readers, it’s called The
Lurn Virtual Summit

It’s a 2-day, 16 hour, 100% online event put on by
Anik Singal and ClickBank. They made the event specifically for people who want to start or grow a digital business. 

So, people like us :) 

And the best part (besides it being only $1.00)? 

Robert Kiyosaki, Bob Proctor & ClickBank’s C.O.O. are going to be keynote speakers! 

For only $1! 

You get to learn from some of the most famous business minds in the world for a buck! 

Anik, his team, and the keynote speakers will be showing you: 

  - Why making the leap from employee to entrepreneur is SIMPLE… 
  - How to get out of your own way and finally follow your OWN dream… 
  - How to set up multiple passive income streams… 
  - How to create, market & see your own digital product… 
  - Why email marketing is the best digital business model for 2017… 
  - Why Copywriters are DOMINATING the internet & how you can join them… 
 - How to create upsells, downsells & bonuses that convert like CRAZY… 
 - Insider tactics for driving traffic to your website in 2017… 

And so much more (go check out the event page). 

There’s absolutely zero catch or trick, it’s only $1. 

All you need to do is login Saturday and Sunday & watch. This means that you DON’T have to pay thousand of dollars to drive or fly somewhere and miss 4 days of your life Readers. 

My Friend, you just pay $1, and watch from your computer! 

I’ve already got my ticket! 

You comin? 

R. Weatherly 
Skype ID



Here’s the link to the event page again, this is going to be AWESOME!



Affiliate Disclosure 2017

I offer products and services to you free, but I do work for myself and different merchants as an affiliate. When you click on a link on this page and make a purchase, I may receive a commission.

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