Hello Apsense members and all visitors.

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FREEBITCOIN is the Best website to Earn Bitcoin (BTC) ecurrency and to Make Money with. Don't forget that each Bitcoin value varies between $6000 and $7000 Dollars (even more because it's increasing)!

Several Years Always PAYING Directly, in a few hours, to your own BTC Wallet Adress DAILY!! Automatic Payments every Sunday.

This website is a Faucet system where you can Claim your earnings each Hour: from 150 BtcSatoshi up to 0.15105740 BTC (more or less because it changes by the actual value of daily BTC ecurrency).
But at the same time, you can Multiply your winings Playing HI-HO Game Manual or Automatically !!

You also make Money with Compounded Daily Interest and also with Referrals (Affiliate Program) this way: *Free BTC: 50% + *Multiply BTC: 0.25% + *Earn BTC (Compounded Daily Interest): 25% !!!

But if you don't want to lose time on Claims or Playing Games, you can use this system that works through an honest add-on Script working 100% on Autopilot!

This script works on Firefox browser (Imacros add-ons), to Make Money on freebitco.in 100% on autopilot using "FREE BTC" Option. Earn Thousands of BTC sats Daily, 24 Hours Automatically.
Instructions Step-by-Step inside!

ATTENTION: There are many scripts like this online that can be obtained for free. But most of that scripts works for a while and then stop, or even not work at all!

But this one here was Tested, also by me during 24 Hours and it is 100% WORKING on Autopilot! » watch the video here: https://youtu.be/LlHZnFqN9VI (see it until the end).


Step 1 ) Sign up on Coinbase - Free bitcoin (BTC) Wallet to create your own BTC Wallet Adress: https://www.coinbase.com/join/5237005...

Step 2 ) Create a new freebitco.in Free Bitcoin Account : https://freebitco.in/?r=128346
You can Create more than 1 Account to Run Script on other Computer(s) (with other IP address(es))

Step 3 ) Sign up a new account on captcha service: https://www.9kw.eu/register_89103.html

Step 4 ) Create your own API Key on 9kw.eu captcha service. It's FREE: http://zap.in/1Ni9

Step 5 ) Inside your new 9kw.ey account Click on "Captcha" (bar at the top) and write some characters to earn free points (to increase your captcha balance to minimum 1200) : https://www.9kw.eu/usercaptcha.html

Step 6 ) Copy and Paste and Install imacros add-on Script (watch above script code) and where you see:
.1  SET apikey H2WH8J7VX9QWUOCZTO9WG6 remove mine and put yours!;

.2  SET shit C:\Users\winqxara\Documents\iMacros\freebitcoin.png and where you see "winqxara" remove it and put yours!;

.3  FILEDELETE NAME=C:\Users\winqxara\Documents\iMacros\freebitcoin.png just do the same thing!;

.4  ONDOWNLOAD FOLDER=C:\Users\winqxara\Documents\iMacros\ FILE=freebitcoin.png just do the same thing!;

TAG once again remove mine to put your own www.9keu/ APY KEY!;

.6  SET shit C:\Users\winqxara\Documents\iMacros\freebitcoin.png once again remove "winqxara" user to put your own user!

Step 7 ) MOZILLA FIREFOX: .1 + .2: 
.1) Download Mozilla Firefox 30.0 Version Browser for FREE Here: https://mozilla-firefox.br.uptodown.com/windows/download/67281 (only works with this version)
1. On the top firefox browser bar click on imacros icon to open it on the left of your browser;
2. click on "Demo-Firefox" and you will see several .iim files, click on one and Edit content (remove it and put the freebitcoin script inside, Save and close).
3. Rename it to: " freebitcoin.iim " and click on SAVE!
4. Select freebitcoin.iim
5. In imacros tab, below Repeat Macro you must put "9999" on MAX: 9999!
6. click on Play or Play Loop and run your Script ! It will run on autopilot !!

Attention: Run only on Firefox with imacros 8.9.7 (Remember to turn off Auto update imacros) «« !!



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