A blitz on scams, rogue traders and aggressive sales methods was announced today. A new law will protect consumers against a host of deceptive and intimidating sales practices that are unfair but not currently illegal.
Among the 31 types of unfair practices being outlawed are:

• Prize draw scams, such as those that con people into calling premium-rate phone numbers.

• Refusing to leave a customer's home when asked to do so.

• Making persistent and unwanted telephone calls encouraging consumers to buy products such as double glazing.

• Preying on elderly peoples' fears about their personal security to sell them burglar alarms.

• Bogus 'closing down' sales.

The Department of Trade and Industry said the new law – the result of the EU Unfair Commercial Practices Directive - will dramatically improve consumer protection and establish a safety net to catch unfair practices that fall between existing rules

Consumer Minister Ian McCartney said: 'This law will give the cowboys nowhere to hide. It will crack down on underhand sales practices that are all too often used to back consumers into a corner. Traders who use bully-boy tactics have no right to pressure people into buying goods, often at rip-off prices. 'Elderly and vulnerable consumers will be given greater protection against rogue traders who use the hard sell to get what they want or prey on their fears and worries about living alone.

'Whether shopping on the High Street or online, consumers have a right to be sold to honestly and fairly. This new protection will make life a lot tougher for the rogues and easier for legitimate businesses to operate.'

John Fingleton, chief executive of the Office of Fair Trading said: 'This is a great step forward for everyone who wants to see markets where businesses compete fairly and consumers choose what to buy on the basis of clear, honest information with no harassment. It will allow the OFT and other enforcers to focus our efforts on the worst practices, such as scams and the intimidation of consumers least able to protect themselves.'

The UCPD will replace and simplify provisions in 22 pieces of existing legislation. The DTI is seeking views on draft regulations before they become UK law in April 2008.

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