The Law of Attraction has become one of the most popular topics today in the world of personal development. Many people have experienced massive changes in their life since they have watched the life-changing movie entitled “The Secret”. This movie focused on what is believed to be the most powerful law in the universe – the law of attraction.People everywhere are interested to know how to use the power of this universal law to attract their desires and achieve their ambitions in life.

For those who are not familiar, you might be asking, “What is the law of attraction?”

It is a universal entity that attracts to you whatever you focus your attention on majority of the time. This magnetic power allows you to manifest your thoughts and emotions into reality.

You may have not been aware, but it has been existent since the beginning of creation. The greatest people who have ever lived practiced the law of attraction. The most successful people in the world today are practicing it, including Oprah Winfrey.

It is vital for anyone who is applying this universal law to know how to use it to its full advantage. The law of attraction does not merely rely on the “ask, believe, and receive” formula. Nope, sorry to say but it’s not that simple. To unleash its full magnetic power, you have to observe the following:


1. Visualize in your mind the very thing you desire to be, do, or have. Believe without a doubt that it is already happening in your life. Feel the happiness or satisfaction of having achieved your dream in your whole body, mind, heart, and soul. It is highly recommended that you create a vision board (a cardboard will do, with pictures of things that delight your heart). This will greatly boost your visual faculty.

2. Declare your intentions, believe that you are already receiving what you are asking for, and state your affirmations whenever you can. If you want to be a best-selling author, say, “I am a best-selling author!” many times throughout the day with belief, conviction, and emotion. It is highly recommended to go to a room alone to focus on your self-talk.

At any time of the day when you are about to say something negative like “I can never do this!” or “I’m so dumb!” hold your tongue and say “Cancel! Cancel!” or “Delete! Delete!” It is vital to keep your inner dialogue purely positive and free from pessimistic toxins.

3. Take inspired action! The universe helps those who help themselves. The law of sowing and reaping states that if you do something good, an equally good thing will come back to you. And if you do something bad, an equally bad thing will come back to you. You reap what you sow. Therefore, if you just keep daydreaming and don’t do anything, the universe won’t do anything to help you either.

4. Receive openly. The law of attraction is more powerful if you open up and allow yourself to receive the abundance that the universe supplies to you. If you reject your blessings, you are stopping the flow of prosperity and decreasing your attracting force. Acknowledge even the smallest things in life. Remember to always say “Thank you.” Let the universe know how much you appreciate all the abundant gifts you are receiving. Show sincere gratitude, and the universe will respond appropriately by giving you more.

The Law of Attraction is so precise; it never fails. Understand it, know exactly how to unleash its full potential, and start applying its principles to manifest everything you’ve always dreamed of. You can do it! Let the attraction power work for you.

Here are the top seven mistakes to avoid:

1. Focusing on what you DON’T want

Hands down this is the most common mistake my clients make. Seems obvious, and yet it’s a subtle distinction between thinking about what you want versus what you don’t want. Even the word “want” itself can trip you up, as for some people it has a connotation of “lack” or “being without.”

Be aware of the words you use and the images it creates in your mind.

2. Giving attention to the obstacles

Sometimes it seems as if our brains are hard-wired to automatically recount all the reasons we can’t have what we want. This is where you build your brain muscle to get in the habit of refusing to entertain any “facts” or “truths” as to why your desire won’t appear. (With rare exception, there are no hard and fast rules in this Universe other than the ones you believe in.)

Thinking about reasons you won’t get what you want keeps those obstacles strong and powerful. Let go of any thoughts that stand between you and what it is you want.

3. Noticing you still don’t have it

The determining factors in how quickly you receive what you’re asking for are 1) how much you want it and 2) how easily you’re allowing it (a function of wanting and believing). Any time you note your desire still hasn’t appeared, you’re creating resistance which keeps it from showing up. Again, this is focusing on what you don’t want.

Instead, when you find yourself noticing you still don’t have it, know it’s on its way and will soon be here. Remind yourself you’re a master creator who manifests whatever you choose. It’s just a matter of time!

4. Letting limiting beliefs stand in the way

Limiting beliefs can be tricky because we’re usually not consciously aware of them. If you’re doing everything right and still don’t have what you want, it’s time to look at your limiting beliefs.

It’s easy enough to want financial prosperity or the body of a supermodel, but if deep down you think rich people are what’s wrong with this country or that you inherited “fat genes” from mom’s side of the family, you’re holding beliefs contrary to what you’re manifesting. Those beliefs, if strong enough, will keep you from getting what you want.

Do some soul-searching to get a handle on your core beliefs. Just becoming aware of a false belief is often all it takes for it to dissipate. To speed up the process, you can also reprogram yourself with supportive beliefs.

5. Not believing it’s yours

Many of us live in a perpetual state of “wanting.” The key to manifesting is to believe this thing you want is already yours. Live it, breathe it, and feel it as if you already have it. That puts you in vibrational alignment with your desire, allowing it to appear effortlessly.

6. Ignoring your (inspired) call to action

When you’re properly aligned with what you want, you’ll see evidence of it accumulating and may feel inspired to take certain actions. Listen to your intuition, follow your hunches, and take action that feels good. It’s common for overachievers to make themselves busy in taking steps they believe are required to manifest their desire, but only inspired action is helpful. Frantic activity will introduce resistance and slow down the process.

7. Not feeling good

If you’ve got something that consistently brings you down, whether it’s your job, your health, your spouse, etc., you’re running a vibration that makes it difficult for the Universe to deliver good things. One of the best things you can do to get what you want is start taking steps to deliberately feel good.

You’ll be amazed how things come together when you start eliminating what you’re “tolerating” in life and start feeling better. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to turn your life upside down (although that works too), but you can also choose to change the way you feel about things.

Above all, remember this is fun!

"It's not what you are that holds you back. It's what you think you're not." - Denis Waitley

I hope you enjoyed this . One of my mentors and a man I admire very much is so fond of saying "never give up ". Those 3 words are so simple but yet so powerful in the world of network marketing.

Jennifer Sasser

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