A couple of years ago, I tossed the idea around in my mind of creating a blog. But for some reason, I thought that people used blogs for hobby sites and such.

It took a while for me to realize that a well-built blog site can be beneficial to my affiliate marketing programs.

My blog is strictly dedicated to marketing internet tools, tips, and information. I try to keep it current by writing and posting relevant articles to share with others.

Also, reviewing free articles from other authors and publishing them in my blog gives me a chance to share diverse ideas and experiences. I don’t want my visitors to be stuck with just my opinions alone so I like to introduce other points of view as well.

Basic Traits of a Great Blog

1. A blog should be well organized.

2. A blog should be relevant to your affiliate marketing programs.

3. No crazy colors or fonts. Make it easy for the eyes to read.

4. Keep your blog up to date with interesting content.

5. Don’t overload it with banner ads. I use one banner at the bottom of the page.

6. Introduce a section for links to your affiliate programs.

7. Affiliate links should open in a new window so visitors can return easily.

8. See that your visitors have a way to leave comments or suggestions.

9. Create a link back to your business site.

Another important tip is to sign up with as many affiliate marketing forums as you can stand. Doing so will allow you network with other affiliates, exchange tools, tips and information.

More importantly, it gives you a chance to spread the word around about your blog and business site. You can do a Google or Yahoo search for forums that are relevant to your marketing niche

Having more eyes on your business site equals more traffic possibilities. Best of all…it’s FREE! Everybody loves free stuff. Free advertising is no exception.

Since you’re already reading this, I shouldn’t have to stress how advantageous writing relevant articles are and submitting them to article submission sites. Submitting articles gives you a chance to express your views, submit ideas and show your level of expertise about the subject matter.

It also gives you a chance to mention your blog or business site link in the author’s bio section just in case your readers want to check it out.

Again, it’s FREE! Everybody loves free stuff. Free site exposure is no exception.

My point is that blogs are not just for hobbies anymore. When properly used, it can be another low-cost avenue for your affiliate marketing regimen.

Have A Great Day.

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