If you experience swelling, pressure, or pain that limits your mobility in or around your legs, chances are you suffer from a form of vein illness or disease. Vein flow insufficiency comes in many shapes and size, depending on the disease at hand. Where some individuals may suffer from poor vein flow due to obesity, others may experience vein disease due to high blood pressure or high levels of cholesterol. However, not all vein illnesses are created equal. At the USA Vein Clinics, we specialize in providing the most modern, effective vein illness treatments to all our patients across the nations. From spider veins treatment, to Endovenous Laser Therapy, we prescribe the best treatment option for you based on your specific diagnosis.

Of the most common vein illnesses, the two least sever are Spider and Reticular veins. Chances are, you have heard of, seen, or know someone with spider veins. Their dark blue and red appearance along the legs is hard to avoid, though, they rarely cause severe pain. Yet, reticular veins continue to go detected, or passed off as another vein illness. To better describe this common vein illness, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions about reticular veins below:

“What Are Reticular Veins?”

Reticular veins are similar to spider veins in that they are superficial veins, typically less than 1 mm in diameter. However, unlike spider veins, reticular veins are commonly referred to as feeder veins, supplying blood from other larger veins to tissue throughout the body. Reticular veins can form independent of other vein insufficiencies, such as spider veins and varicose veins. Although, reticular veins have been known to be one of the most common causes for spider veins. This is due to reticular veins lying lower in the tissue than spider veins, restricting blood blow, and raising pressure in the body.

“What Symptoms Are Associated with Reticular Veins?”

Unlike more severe vein illness, such as varicose veins, reticular veins are considered more of a cosmetic problem rather than a health risk. Patients who suffer from this illness rarely experience severe pain, lack of mobility, or increased swelling and pressure. The most typical symptoms are those most associated with spider veins; visually noticeable on the top layer of skin, dark blue and red wire-like veins, clustered together in a specific area. Just as most patients seek spider veins treatment to remove the disliked appearance on their legs, reticular veins treatment is sought after for the same reason.

“How Do I Treat Reticular Veins?”

Reticular Veins treatment follows the same treatment methods practiced for spider veins. Our vein specialists readily prescribe Sclerotherapy, the most effect reticular veins treatment options available. Sclerotherapy uses a saline solution that is injected directly into the problem veins to irritate and destroy the vein walls. The vein walls lose blood flow and turn into scar tissue, diminishing their appearance altogether. If your reticular veins are particularly severe, endovenous laser therapy is always an option. Like Sclerotherapy, a vein specialist will place a small needle directly into the problem veins, this time, though, releasing a laser to destroy the vein walls. Both reticular veins treatment options are non-surgical procedures that are performed on an outpatient basis, requiring less than 15 minutes to complete.

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