So many people start out on the internet with the goal of getting a share of all this easy money they have heard about, only to discover that it is all a myth.

The money is not a myth. It is there just as sure as the sun will rise in the morning. Just as sure as there is snow at the poles. But the ease with which it comes is a myth..... or is it?

Yes, it does come easy, but you have to do the right things to attract it. Setting up an internet shop or joining some online business or other is not going to bring you the money.

Imagine if you will, a medical practitioner opening up a practice in his basement or garage, posting no signs on his fence, and then waiting for sick people to come through his doors. Do you think he is going to have a lot of success?

So, why imagine for even a moment that you can start an online business with a web site that is as accessible and as well known as the clinic in the basement and be successful with it?

More on this subject here

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