
Why to use alt tag for images?

Asked by Varsha Lowanshi, in Technology
Why to use alt tag for images?

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Best Answer

Vishal C. Advanced  Guest Post Specialist
The "alt" attribute (short for "alternative") in HTML is used to provide a textual description of an image. It's important for several reasons:

Accessibility: The primary purpose of the alt attribute is to improve web accessibility for people with visual impairments who use screen readers. When a screen reader encounters an image with an alt tag, it reads the alt text aloud, providing a description of the image to the user.

Compliance with Web Standards: Including alt attributes is a recommended and often required practice for web developers to ensure compliance with web accessibility standards, such as those defined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Fallback for Broken Images: If an image fails to load for some reason, the alt text will be displayed instead, ensuring that users still get some information about the content or purpose of the image.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Search engines use alt text to understand what an image is about, which can contribute to better indexing and ranking in search results. Including relevant and descriptive alt text can improve the overall SEO of a webpage.

Context and Understanding: Alt text provides context and information to all users, including those who may have images disabled in their browser or those using text-based browsers. It helps them understand the purpose and content of the image.

Legibility and User Experience: In situations where the image is taking longer to load, users will see the alt text, providing them with information and maintaining a smooth browsing experience.

Legal Compliance: In some jurisdictions, websites are legally required to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities. Using alt text is a step towards compliance with these laws and regulations.

When creating alt text, it's important to make it descriptive and concise, accurately reflecting the content or purpose of the image. Avoid using generic or redundant phrases like "image of" or "picture of," and instead focus on conveying the essential information the image provides.
Oct 11th 2023 05:33 


Angel Ambulance Advanced  Patient Transportation
Serch Keyword like as Angel Air Ambulance Service in Patna
Oct 18th 2023 01:00   
Rahul Das Advanced  Digital Consultant
Using alt tags (alternative text) for images is important for several reasons:

Accessibility: Alt tags provide a text description of images, making web content accessible to individuals with visual impairments who use screen readers. It ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can understand the content.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Alt tags help search engines understand the content and context of images on your website. This can improve your website's visibility in search engine results and increase organic traffic.

User Experience: When images fail to load or if someone disables image display, the alt text provides context and meaning to the user, enhancing their overall experience on your website.

Content Comprehension: Alt tags can clarify the purpose of images, diagrams, or infographics, helping all users understand the content more effectively.

Compliance: Many web accessibility standards and regulations, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), require the use of alt tags to ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines.
Oct 18th 2023 01:57   
Dr Huy Giang Senior  Dr Huy Giang đơn vị hàng đầu về thẩm mỹ vùng ngực
tối ưu hơn cho trang của bạn
Oct 18th 2023 03:05   
Inn Spa Freshman  Best Massage Centre in Dubai
If you want to images tag in images submission website then people can search easy your add.
Oct 18th 2023 05:26   
Jimm Woodss Freshman  Content Creater
To tell the search engine what the page is about
Oct 18th 2023 08:47   
Anna @ APS Members Choice Web Hosting & Domains Advanced   Web Host, Domain Names, SEO support
Because when you do it right it makes a difference with everything from search engines to how visitors perceive and interact with your site. Here's 10 rules we've always followed:
1) All images should have an alt tag – even if it’s a null tag.
2) Use a null alt tag (alt="") when labeling spacer images or design elements that don’t need to be read. This will allow screen readers to skip over/ignore those elements. (Note: using a null tag is not the same thing as using no tag at all.)
3) Your alt tag should be more descriptive of the image content than the image’s file name. For example: (img src="dog.jpg" alt="beagle puppy chewing sock").
4) If your image performs a function, you also need to describe what it does (“screenshot showing a 404 error” or “submit form”).
5) When an image contains only text, the text being displayed can usually be used as the alt tag. An example of this would be a navigation button, such as Products. The content would be identified in a screen reader as a link, so there is no need to say “Link to Products.”
6) If you are showing an image of a specific product, publication, or person, use the full name. (Green and white Apple Watch band, Cover of 2016 Buyer’s Guide, Joe Smith, CEO.)
7) Try to limit alt tags to no more than 5 or 6 words.
8) Don’t be redundant. Don’t just repeat the surrounding contextual copy for your alt tag, or stuff alt tags with keywords.
9) Don’t use the phrases “image of” or “graphic of” to describe your image. It is apparent to the user that what is being described is an image.
10) For indexing purposes, it can be helpful to include the page’s keyword in one of your images alt tags on that page. Again, no need to repeat it everywhere.
Oct 18th 2023 15:53 in Advanced  Content Writer
Using alt tags (or alternative text) for images is essential for several important reasons:

Accessibility: Alt tags make web content more accessible to individuals with visual impairments or disabilities. Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on alt text to describe images on a webpage. By providing descriptive alt text, you ensure that everyone can understand and engage with your content, including those who cannot see the images.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Search engines use alt text to better understand the content and context of images on a webpage. By using relevant and descriptive alt tags, you can improve the SEO of your page and increase the likelihood of your content appearing in image search results. This can help drive more organic traffic to your website.

User Experience: Alt tags improve the overall user experience by providing context and information about images. Even for users who are not visually impaired, alt text can be helpful in understanding the purpose of an image, especially if the image fails to load due to slow internet connections or technical issues.

Compliance with Web Standards: Many web accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), require the use of alt text for images. Failing to provide alt text can result in non-compliance and may lead to legal issues or exclusion from certain audiences.

Image Error Handling: When an image cannot be displayed for some reason (e.g., broken link, slow loading), the alt text can serve as a placeholder, letting users know what the image was supposed to represent. This helps prevent confusion and frustration.

Social Media Sharing: When users share your web content on social media platforms, the alt text can be used as the image description, making it more informative and engaging for those viewing the shared content.

In summary, using alt tags for images is not only a matter of web accessibility and inclusivity but also a best practice for SEO, user experience, and compliance with web standards. Including descriptive and relevant alt text ensures that your content is well-rounded and accessible to a wider audience, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness and reach of your website or online content.
Oct 19th 2023 02:29   
Rob H. Senior  Cut Price Skips
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
Oct 19th 2023 02:33   
Vaibhav Maheshwari Professional  SEO Manager
Google Can not read images, so we use our keyword in Alt Tag for readable images to google. and with alt tag we promote our keyword in Alt Tag.
Oct 19th 2023 06:54   
Sourabh Aggarwal Magnate III   SEO Manager
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of a slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
Oct 19th 2023 09:50   
Mack Johnson Advanced  Word Weavers
In simple term, ALT tags are used to tell Google bots what is this about. A good alt tag description with your keyword can make good significance in Google Image Search.
Oct 20th 2023 00:10   
Nicolas Draper Advanced  Director
Alt tags or alternative text are used to describe the content and purpose of an image for people who are visually impaired or unable to access images. By using alt tags, web developers can ensure that users with screen readers or who have turned off images can understand what the image conveys. Alt tags also help search engines understand the context of the image in relation to the surrounding text, which can improve a website's search engine optimization (SEO).
Oct 20th 2023 01:15   
Price Vision Junior  Commodity Price Forecasting
Alt tags are added to images in HTML, to describe their content and context on the web page. The alt tag also appears within the image container when the media file can't load or display properly: Alt tags help people who use screen readers, such as those with visual impairments, understand the content on your website.
Oct 20th 2023 01:46   
Dual Layer IT Solutions LTD Junior  Dual Layer IT Solutions LTD
We use alt tag for providing a text description for images, improving accessibility and SEO.
Oct 20th 2023 01:53   
Ultra Pet Upplies Advanced  Premium Affordable Dog Food NZ
The alt attribute provide the information about the Images but there content will not show on the display because there content is hide.
Oct 21st 2023 04:35   
marri alex Innovator  Packaging Boxes Wholesale
Great new images are perfect
Oct 21st 2023 05:30   
Liz Seyi Magnate I  Digital marketing manager
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
Oct 21st 2023 22:40   
Sri Selvalakshmi Freshman  Egg Wholesale Price in Namakkal | Egg Wholesalers
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
Oct 23rd 2023 05:30   
Patrick Pierree Advanced  Developer
An alt tag provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason, cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader)
Oct 23rd 2023 05:39   
Vishal C. Advanced  Guest Post Specialist
Using alt tags (or alt attributes) for images is essential for several reasons, primarily related to web accessibility, search engine optimization (SEO), and user experience. Here's why alt tags are important:

Accessibility: Alt tags provide a text description of the image, which can be read aloud by screen readers for individuals with visual impairments. This makes your website more inclusive and ensures that everyone can access and understand the content, including those who rely on assistive technologies.

SEO Benefits: Search engines use alt tags to understand the content of an image since they cannot "see" images like humans can. Including descriptive alt tags can improve your website's SEO by making it more discoverable in image search results and potentially increasing your overall search engine ranking.

Broken Images: In cases where an image cannot be displayed due to technical issues or slow internet connections, the alt tag serves as a placeholder, providing information about the image's content to the user. This helps maintain the user's understanding of the page's content.

Context and Understanding: Alt tags can provide context and information about the image that may not be immediately obvious to all users. For example, they can describe the purpose of an image, provide additional details, or clarify the image's relevance to the surrounding content.

Legal Compliance: In some regions, websites may be required by law to ensure accessibility for all users. Failing to use alt tags may lead to legal compliance issues and potential penalties.

Mobile Optimization: Alt tags are also useful for mobile users, especially in cases where images may not load due to limited bandwidth or slow connections. Providing alt text ensures that mobile users can still access content and understand its context.

When using alt tags, it's important to follow some best practices:

Keep alt text concise but descriptive, conveying the essential information about the image.
Use keywords in alt tags when relevant, but avoid keyword stuffing.
Do not use alt tags for decorative or spacing images; they should be reserved for content-relevant images.
Test your website's accessibility by using screen readers and other assistive technologies to ensure that the alt text conveys the intended message.
In summary, alt tags are a fundamental part of web design and content creation, as they improve accessibility, help with SEO, enhance user experience, and ensure compliance with accessibility standards and regulations.
Oct 23rd 2023 06:30   
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