
What is schema and why is it important?

Asked by Jaydeep P., in Marketing
Schema may seem a bit of a buzz word to some who isn't familiar with what it is. However, it's one of the most important factors of any website that wants to improve SEO and boost rankings.

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Rahul Kumar Advanced  Marketing Executive
schema helps search engine to understand ur your business even more better way. it provide rich data to search engine like opening and closing time, prducts , image, price, reviews, and other information which will help searcher to make their mind to weather they should land on your website or not.
Sep 27th 2019 00:43   
John Cooper Freshman  Academic Writer
Schema is structured data or a code that is used to put on the website so that a search engine knows what your website is all about. It is somehow like rich snippets. The markup tells search engines about your page content which in turn can affect your rankings in SERPs and improve the domain authority of your website. In other words, it indirectly influences your page's visibility in SERPs.
Sep 30th 2019 07:50   
eFusion World Advanced  Responsive eBay Listing Page Design
Schema is most important parts of SEO. I would recommend you to implement this schema markup to your website. This markup will help more attractive to the viewers in SERP listing and getting more clicks & boosting your keyword rankings.
Sep 30th 2019 23:56   
Nikita S. Senior  Study Bridge UK Limited
Schema is a form of microdata. Once added to a webpage, schema markup creates an enhanced description (commonly known as a rich snippet), which appears in search results.
Oct 3rd 2019 01:42   
Cardinal Royal Junior  Hotel Business
Schema markup is one of the biggest digital marketing solutions in SEO. It is basically the code associated with the website that helps the users to get more informative results from the search engine. The purpose of using schema is to enhance the presence of your website in the search engine results.
Apr 20th 2020 04:36   
Andrew Lope Innovator  Business promotion
Schema a form of microdata ( known as a rich snippet ) with code associated with the website.
Dec 22nd 2020 23:37   
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