
What is Native App Development?

Asked by Rajesh Rai, in Software

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Atechnocrat Digital Marketing Freshman  SEO Expert
A native application is a software program that is developed for use on a particular platform or device.Native apps can provide optimized performance and take advantage of the latest technology, such as a GPS, compared to web apps or mobile cloud apps developed to be generic across multiple systems. For more details you can check the link of Mobile App Development.
Sep 24th 2019 01:18   
Priyanka J. Advanced   Ecommerce Photography
The term native app is used to refer to platforms such as Mac and PC, with examples such as the Photos, Mail or Contacts applications that are preinstalled and configured on every Apple computer. However, in the context of mobile web apps, the term native app is used to mean any application written to work on a specific device platform.
Sep 24th 2019 01:20   
Sanjay Patoliya Innovator  Founder & Director
Native app development is the creation of software programs that run on specific devices and platforms. You can build native apps for desktops, smart TVs, and all kinds of gadgets, the most popular target devices are smartphones.

Unlike websites and web applications, native mobile apps don’t run in the browser. You need to download them from platform-specific app stores such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play. After installation, you can access each app by tapping its respective icon on the screen of your device.

Native app development requires different skills and technologies than mobile website development. You don’t have to worry about browser behavior and compatibility. You can use the native features of mobile OSs to deliver the user experience and implement the functionalities of your app.
Sep 24th 2019 02:30   
Pooja T. Advanced   Executive
A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective C for iOS or Java for Android operating systems. Native mobile apps provide fast performance and a high degree of reliability. They also have access to a phone's various devices, such as its camera and address book.
Sep 24th 2019 23:48   
Complete Unity Yoga Freshman  Complete Unity Yoga
Native App Development is the creation of software programs that run on specific devices and platforms. You can build native apps for desktops, smart TVs, and all kinds of gadgets, the most popular target devices are smartphones.
Sep 27th 2019 07:04   
Chetu Software Developer Freshman  20+ years of Software Development Experience
A native application is a software program that runs on a specific device and platform. For a native application, the most popular target devices are smartphones, desktops, smart TVs and other gadgets.

If you are looking for a custom application development for your business. I would suggest contact with Chetu. Chetu provides custom software development solutions for all types of industries at an affordable price range. For more details, check out the Chetu founder review about Chetu on "South Florida Business Journal": www(dot)bizjournals(dot)com/southflorida/news/2019/08/30/meet-the-2019-power-leaders-in-technology(dot)html
Oct 1st 2019 05:18   
Mitch Vinnitsky Advanced  Net Integrity Inc
The process for finding developers for native and hybrid apps is more or less the same except for one major difference.
Dec 18th 2019 04:47   
Alex Forsyth Advanced  Developer
A native vs hybrid app is an application developed to fully comply with the requirements and guidelines of a particular operating system. In native app development, apps are built separately for each operating platform. Native applications are downloaded from app stores directly to the mobile device.
Apr 13th 2020 02:46   
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