
How many days Google take to page index?

Asked by Kevin Hart, in Career

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Liz Seyi Magnate I  Digital marketing manager
3–4 weeks for websites with less than 500 pages. 2–3 months for websites with 500 to 25,000 pages. 4–12 months for websites with more than 25,000 pages.
Apr 27th 2023 03:55   
Franchise Word Advanced  Franchise Industry Writer
It depends. It varies from pages or sites.
Apr 27th 2023 14:36   
Raul Zimmer Innovator  Mobile App Developer in USA
The amount of time it takes for Google to index a web page can vary based on a variety of factors, including the frequency with which the website is updated, the website's crawlability, and the quality of its content.

In general, if a website is regularly updated with high-quality content and has a good crawlability, Google can index new pages within a few days or even hours of them being published. However, if the website is not frequently updated or has poor crawlability, it may take longer for Google to index new pages.

It's also important to note that indexing a page doesn't guarantee that it will rank highly in search results. SEO factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user experience also play a significant role in determining a page's search ranking.
Apr 28th 2023 00:21   
Rahul Mathur Committed  SEO Expert
3–4 weeks for websites with less than 500 pages. 2–3 months for websites with 500 to 25,000 pages. 4–12 months for websites with more than 25,000 pages.
Apr 28th 2023 04:36   
Jacob Wilson Senior  Digital Marketing Specialist
It depends, some web pages indexed in an hour and some takes 2-3 days to weeks. Many factors google consider when indexing the web pages.
Apr 28th 2023 07:10   
Aritra Agarwal Advanced  Marketing Manger
It's really depends some web pages indexed in an hour and some takes 2-3 days to few weeks.
Apr 28th 2023 07:42   
Ibrahim Edoh Innovator  Affiliate Marketing consultant
John Mueller says it can take anywhere from several hours to several weeks for a page to be indexed. He suspects that most good content is picked up and indexed within about a week
Apr 29th 2023 05:15   
Neha Sharma Innovator  Love to Write
The time it takes for Google to index a page can vary depending on several factors such as the website's crawl rate, the quality of the content, and the website's overall authority. In general, Google may index a new page within a few hours to a few weeks after it has been published. However, it is important to note that indexing is not guaranteed and some pages may not be indexed at all. Additionally, you can speed up the indexing process by submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console and promoting your content through social media and other channels. #weeklywoo
Apr 29th 2023 08:20   
Liz Seyi Magnate I  Digital marketing manager
3–4 weeks for websites with less than 500 pages. 2–3 months for websites with 500 to 25,000 pages. 4–12 months for websites with more than 25,000 pages.
May 3rd 2023 00:15   
Innocent L. Junior  Successful marketer
hours to weeks after publication
May 13th 2023 10:11   
Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
It is not static. If you have many and diverse social media sites linking to your page, the page is indexed fast as google receives pings from the social media linking to your site.

So, indexing of your site by Google is dependent on your content, number of pages and the links pointing to your pages. There may be other factors but these ones are very key.
May 13th 2023 11:43   
Posting Era Freshman  Guest Post Platform
3–4 weeks for websites with less than 500 pages. 2–3 months for websites with 500 to 25,000 pages.
May 15th 2023 04:56   
Premier Play Solutions Advanced  Playground Equipment
hours to weeks after publication
May 18th 2023 06:06   
Kapil Lowanshi Committed  Senior Seo Expert
3–4 weeks for websites with less than 500 pages. 2–3 months for websites with 500 to 25,000 pages. 4–12 months for websites with more than 25,000 pages.
May 26th 2023 00:14   
Philadelphia Academy for Nurse Aide Training Inc. Advanced  We can train you to become a Certified Nursing Ass
It depends. It varies from pages or sites. hours to weeks after publication
May 30th 2023 07:01   
Tyre FIT AUTO LTD Advanced  Automotive
It depends. It varies from pages or sites. hours to weeks after publication
Jul 14th 2023 05:16   
Charles Smith Advanced  IT Expert
Depend upon various factors, like page content, website, tags, etc. It will take hours to some days....
Aug 30th 2023 05:07   
Ashok Pareek Freshman  Make The World Digital
Depends on various factors like, Website Niche, Website updation, Website pages and many more.
Sep 16th 2023 02:38   
Jit Patra99 Advanced  Jit's Blogs
The time it takes for Google to index a page can vary widely, but it typically ranges from a few days to a few weeks.
Jan 25th 2024 00:58   
Prowurk .com Innovator  Find and Hire Talented Freelancers Jobs Online
It's really depends some web pages indexed in an hour and some takes 2-3 days to few weeks.
Feb 8th 2024 04:49   
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