TAC Marketing Growth Plan through software distribution

http://tactoken.world.edu/marketing-growth/ Oct 5th 2017 13:47
Marketing Growth - Learn about the plan of the advertising currency to grow market share through free, open source, and commercial software distribution.

Advertising Platform utilizing TAC Token

http://tactoken.world.edu/advertising-platform/ Oct 5th 2017 13:45
Learn about the advertising platform being created and utilized by TAC project, how its different from Google style platforms and what makes it so unique.

Contracted Advertising - TAC Token - TAC Token ICO

http://tactoken.world.edu/contracted-advertising/ Oct 5th 2017 13:42
Learn about phase one and two of the advertising currency and how contracts play into plans for a currency specific to marketing and advertising.

TAC Token ICO - The Advertising Currency Initial Coin Offering

http://tactoken.world.edu/ Oct 5th 2017 13:39
The Advertising Currency is a cryptocurrency with goals of decentralizing the advertising and marketing industries through the use of public ledger blockchains.