WelfareLabs facilitates 24 hour medical assistance, high quality test equipment and practices at the comfort of your own home. What’s best? We even make our reliable diagnosis more accessible to you by delivering reports right at your door steps in a cost-effective manner. We are based in India and provide more than adequate services by well-trained medical professionals and an accredited logistics team.

  • Wide range of Health Tests - Both pathological and nonpathological
  • Numerous health check profiles for conditions including - Thyroid,
  • Diabetes, Anemia and more
  • Proper sample collection and health care assessment
  • Internationally recognized equipments
  • Round the clock and cooperative logistics
  • Attractive and affordable prices
  • Provisions to deliver report at your place
  • Affiliation with Thyrocare to provide automated and more streamlined diagnostics

To provide superior and accessible 24*7 healthcare and tests with best in class medical practitioners to conduct and examine tests, screenings and diagnosis all across India.

WelfareLabs aims to connect people with concern for their well being to the most excellent preventive care  and packages on our platform. We want to raise awareness about the advantages preventive health care and early detection for everyone to lead happy and healthy lives to the fullest.


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