The world around us changes faster than the blink of an eye. And can Corporate world be any different! With each new challenge thrown at the business houses, come a new opportunity. Therefore, to ensure that their corporate workforce is “up-and-ready” to grab these challenges by horns, is necessary more than ever.

But over the years, most orthodox and conventional training programs have focused mostly on one part – the medium of delivering the training, while completely ignoring the most important aspect, the content and the methodology. So while we have the flashy presentations, online available courses and the audio-video interactive interactions, what is lacking is the “personalized” approach to corporate training.

NLP for corporate bring this lost “personal touch” back to the training domain by way of Neuro-Linguistic Programming approach to corporate training and development. Neuro Linguistic Programming studies the needs of an organization and then provide the “tailor made” solutions to achieve the organizational goals.


Corporate’s Challenges and NLP

Corporate today face myriad of challenges. Challenges that require to be dealt with a strong corporate workforce, regardless of the size of that workforce, be it 20 or 20,000.

NLP provides the opportunity for group analysis and moulding of group behavior for better performance success of the organizations. Corporate can benefit from the Neuro Linguistic programs in the following areas:

Ø  Aligning the aspirations of the employees with the goals of the organization

Ø  Bridging the gap between the business needs (like growth, opportunities etc.) with the employee’s needs (like work-life balance, conducive environment etc.)

Ø  Creating and maintaining the Corporate culture even in wake of increasing workforce and locations

Ø  Forming best practices for the use of right amount of capital by right mix of talent over right kind of opportunities

Ø  Build the powerful management team that stays motivated and focused on the bigger picture

Ø  Empowering the HR department with techniques to not only recruit the right kind of talent but make effective retention strategies

Ø  Create career tracks for individual employees and vision at Organizational level

Ø  Keeping balance between the corporate and family life


Transhuman Consulting and NLP Programs for Corporates

Over the years NLP programs from Transhuman Consulting have helped numerous organizations achieve their goals and create a corporate work force that is productive in face of every situation.

NLP for corporate, in the form of training and coaching programs have been designed and delivered to major corporate firms and organisations across India.

Our NLP for Corporate training programs are capable of producing visible and effective results from day 1.

NLP training, coaching, certification courses india  framework have been successfully conducted in the Organizations based in major metro cities like Kolkata, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad Mumbai etc. These organizations have benefited from the NLP’s process oriented approach, bringing about “positive and productive” fast changes in employees and corporate. It is now your turn to experience the change in real!


For more details and for engaging with us please write to us on


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