Over a year of development and testing went into trafficforest and this is only the beginning. More and more improvements will be added along the way to reach the goal of having a superb traffic exchange.
Many traffic exchanges exist and they all have strengths and weaknesses. Learning from a thorough analysis was essential for the project to take off.

What are the main strengths of trafficforest?
- focus is on generating traffic for members
- unique user experience: it's not yet another same-looking traffic exchange
- smooth, secure surfing
- enjoyable bonus leveling system with screens you will never miss
- clean and minimal style in stead of screaming and overloaded: we don't want to give you a headacke!
- multiple surf rewards
- security is always high on the agenda with high-encryption algorithms and strong password obligation

Things we will focus on in the near future
- extra bonus games, specials, doubles, etc: a thorrough expansion of the current
- user interaction: not sure yet which way to go
- even better rewards for loyal surfers
- more promo content


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