Rhizobiotics – The Future of Growing

There is about to be a revolution in the way we garden and it is called Rhizobiotics. Rhizobiotics is the future of gardening; it is a way of growing that not only increases yields and unlocks the nutrients in the soil, but actually leaves the soil more productive and more pure than before application.

Rhizobiotics products are from the earth, and from natural growth stimulants connected to the soil. There is no way of growing that is more natural, "green" or more eco-friendly than Rhizobiotics. Rhizobiotics are non-GMO, are beneficial to the soil and are extremely safe to use.

Rhizobiotics soil treatments naturally help plants to grow more vigorously and to produce more flowers and fruits, but are they are not chemical fertilizers. Rhizobiotics help your plants to more effectively use the nutrients already found in your soil, but they aren’t artificial. Rhizobiotics leave no chemical residues. Rhizobiotics are extremely cost effective and will fit the budget of any garden.

If Your Plants Could Talk, They’d Ask for Rhizobiotics

Remember the old joke about people talking to their plants? If plants could talk to us, they’d ask for Rhizobiotics. Plants don’t need to suffocate and burn under layers of fertilizers and chemicals and then get drowned in water in order to grow. Plants don’t need the constant application of mineral supplements, artificial root stimulants or animal meal by-products that ultimately leech out of the soil and into the waterways.

What plants need are green products that naturally work within their growth systems. Plants need Rhizobiotics.

Rhizobiotics products are derived from compounds that are naturally found in pure beeswax, the seeds of the mustard family, Safflower seeds and naturally occurring micro-organisms that stimulate plant growth. Our extracted products are never derived by using solvents but by cold-pressed extraction methods that are environmentally friendly.

If you’re an organic gardener, an heirloom vegetable gardener, a concerned gardener, a gardener committed to the environment or simply someone who likes the idea of using natural products around your pets or children, Rhizobiotics has the solution and Rhizobiotics is the solution.

Get Results with Rhizobiotics

We’re passionate gardeners, just like you and we’re also devoted environmentalists. We detest the using of chemicals and harmful fertilizers on our plants that will ultimately run off to our oceans, rivers and streams.

When we developed Rhizobiotics, we wanted to find the world’s greenest gardening products but we also wanted to find products that worked.

Our team of international scientists went about finding naturally occurring plant compounds and microorganisms that plants in nature use to grow and to produce large fruits and vegetables and beautiful flowers. Rhizobiotics products work.

Our Commitment to the Future

As Rhizobiotics products are safe, eco-friendly and leave no chemical residues, and as our products break down harmful mineral deposits and turn them into compounds plants can use, we know we’re contributing to the healing of the earth.

At the end of the day, our extensive research and deep gardening passion has led us to making products that help our environment as much as our gardens. It makes us happy to know we’re making future generations of gardeners happy and productive.

Rhizobiotics is the future of growing.


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