Medical Marijuana - A Safe Alternative and an Effective One

How can medical marijuana help?

Medical marijuana is derived from the cannabis plant and refers to its use for medicinal purposes. The historical literatures that support the great benefits that can be availed from maijuana are abundant and supported by medical researches and clinical studies. Ancient cultures have well documented these medicinal uses of medical marijuana over the years.

In the management of Psoriasis as a symptomatic treatment, medical marijuana contains cannabinoids which has anti-inflammatory properties and has regulatory effects on the immune system. Thus, swelling and soreness associated with Psoriasis is avoided and eliminated even before it commenced.

Medical marijuana is also a viable treatment for Psoriasis as cannabis also have analgesic or pain-killing properties. Pain management has been documented as one of the many recognized benefits of medical marijuana. In fact, medical practitioners have been prescribing medical marijuana for patients suffering from chronic pain. With this particular benefit of medical marijuana, Psoriasis patients are able to deal with Psoriasis much easier without the pain.

Of course, medical marijuana does not cause any adverse side effects with its use. The availability of medical marijuana in cream form also makes it easier to apply on the affected areas for patients suffering from Psoriasis. For those long-suffering from Psoriasis and have yet to find an effective treatment for it, medical marijuana may be the best one yet.

Medical Marijuana:An Effective Cure

Marijuana has always invited negative stares and as a result of the negative connotation attached to it, almost always the medicinal uses and benefits of this drug are overlooked. The doctors, patients and growers all need to reach a consensus when talking about the medicinal uses and benefits of marijuana. The Canadian medical marijuana market will see a turnaround as the laws are being relaxed to foster new rules for this industry that will help the growers. After the rules take effect, the home-grown producers of this product will be seen as ones with industrial facilities and they will be overseen by federal health inspectors and RCMP.

Gradually more and more people are showing their interest to become certified producers of this drug. The commercial growers of Marijuana are looking forward to the free market for it and its industry is steadily and slowly growing. In a decade it has been projected that in Canada $1.3 billion to be the estimated value of this industry. Today data and statistics suggest that around 37,000 people are dependent on the use of this drug alone in Canada and it will rise to about 450,000 by the year 2024. If you are a patient, a doctor or a grower this data will affect you in different ways.

The Canadian medical marijuana market will go through a sea change because of the new rules that are taking shape. When the rules finally take shape, that is, from April 2014 the only way of procuring this product will be through the licensed commercial producers or growers. It would be the only legal way of procuring it. But before this, that is, in the old system, marijuana could be produced or grown by anyone who had a license. It could also be designated to someone to be grown by that person, or could be bought by anyone from a sole-source supplier.

The old system is going to be done away with since, it was difficult to oversee the producers of of his recreational, who were allegedly involved in criminal and narcotic activities and hence this system was also difficult to regulate. Some quarters have alleged that the new rule will work negatively and will foster the use, selling and buying it in the underground market. Some are less hopeful about this move and think that patients would now buy it illegally. Doctors are taking a deep interest in the move initiated by MMAR and are helping their patients to get the legal medicine that they need in the form of medical marijuana.

On the other hand, if you are a commercial grower of marijuana, you should take necessary steps to protect your produce from theft or loss. Both the plant and the dried marijuana are to be protected against theft and loss and if you have been advised by the doctor to grow it, you can do it both indoors or outdoors and the amount can be decided by the dosage itself.


Fred Mugone Magnate I   Health, Wellness, e-Business
In the past, marijuana has undergone an unfair amount of negative bashing and stereotyping without its positive side being acknowledged.

Its great to see its benefits being touted at this site as it is a promising therapeutic option for the treatment of various medical conditions that have defied treatment by conventional medicine. Kudos!
Nov 9th 2013 04:19   
Chukwuemeka Egwu Freshman  Home Business Consultant
It is time to start appreciating it's healing properties
Nov 18th 2013 06:30   
David Decredico Magnate II   Top Digital Reviews
Medical Marijuana is a Canadian Natural Medicine.
Nov 24th 2013 02:42   
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