This group site was created for traffic business professionals to work together, earn rewards to aid their efforts and create a sense of community and support to achieve overall goals. Working within the internet marketing world off and on for many years, I learned there needed to be more sites where businesses can get the support they need, the backing they deserve and a chance to earn towards success. Too many people were getting discouraged and too many thoughts never became reality. The shelf life on this career path was less than a year and now that more sites are accomplishing these same goals, that has increased.

The features here will help people wanting to start their own marketing/traffic business get the support they need, the tools needed and offer the community another great "thought" and program that everyone can excell at promoting and supporting. In the meantime, all members will earn points to achieve their personal goals and start their future aspirations.

This site is part of The Jinncome Network and Jinnology Marketing.


Diana Dimitrova Committed   marketer,promoter
nice page i like it good luck
Mar 1st 2015 06:01   
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