Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, a tapestry of souls seeking solace and connection, is a haven where the echoes of the mourner's kaddish find their resonance. Here, we, the faithful congregants, join in solemn unity to honor the memories of those who have left this earthly realm. The mourner's kaddish is our communal emblem of consolation, an ethereal song that transcends time and space. In the heart of our gathering, the mourner's kaddish unfolds as a symphony of collective grief and hope, each word a brushstroke on the canvas of memory. Our voices blend, rising and falling in unison, evoking the profound spiritual journey of loss and remembrance. Together, we raise our hearts and voices to the heavens, invoking the divine presence to grant comfort and peace to the bereaved. In the intimate embrace of our congregation, the mourner's kaddish serves as a reminder that we are more than individuals; we are a living testament to the strength of community and compassion. 

Phone. 732-364-7029 E-mail:

Address: 40 East 13th Street, Lakewood, NJ,8701, United States


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